Saturday, August 29, 2009

Does Paula Deen Wear A Wig?

Food Network Host, Restauranteur and Butter For All Americans advocate Paula Deen is best known for her deep-fried dishes and ill-timed "y'alls". But lately I've noticed that her hair is never the same:

Now of course, these pictures could be taken at vastly different times, but notice that in the second pic from the top, her hair doesn't even appear to be the same color or texture.

The administrator of her forum says that she just happens to have an "amazing stylist". But the folks at Food Network Humor speculate that she wears wigs made entirely of butter. That seems a little extreme, even for the Queen Of The Coronary. I prefer to think that she somehow uses butter as an adhesive to hold her fake hair onto her scalp.

Not that she doesn't have real hair. The below screenshot from one of her videos demonstrates what the Savanna Sea Hag looks like when she isn't airbrushed and/or covered in make-up:

1 comment:

  1. They are extremely durable and can be worn at different occasions and under diverse weather conditions Lace front wigs
